Description: Peltogyne purpure, arbre de rivage également appelé Nazareno ou en raison de sa coloration à l'intérieur Purpleheart.
Nom commun: Purpleheart, Amaranth, Nazareno
Famille: Fabacées
Habitat : Found in very humid climates, it grows best in the hills or in areas with good soil drainage at elevations from 50 - 500 metres.
Intervalle: Northern S. America - Colombia; C. America - Panama, Costa Rica.
Zone de plantation minimale : 20 m²
Peltogyne purpure, arbre de rivage également appelé Nazareno ou en raison de sa coloration à l'intérieur Purpleheart.
This tree reaches a height of up to 50 meters and is also one of the endangered species. The bark is smooth and light gray, while the heartwood is light purple with dark stripes. This is an economically valuable tree, but its harvest is prohibited by law. Nevertheless, illegal logging takes place again and again to produce furniture as well as interior and exterior decoration, flooring, stairs, boats and luxury coffins.
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